Tag Archives: night school

29 and feeling fine

17 May

Hi!  I know it’s been about two months since I posted. I entered a funk and didn’t really feel like posting negative things online. I figured taking a little break would be good.

Over the past little bit I had a couple more interviews (phone and in person) but still nothing yet. I’ve registered with another agency and I’m hoping it brings more luck.

A couple weeks ago I decided that I need to let go of all the negative stuff and be more positive. My life isn’t that bad. Actually it’s not bad at all. So I decided to stop sulking and move one. I stared reading a couple books and they’ve seem to be helping. I’ll try to do a review on those later. But besides that everything else is good.

On Tuesday (May 13th) I turned 29. Oh boy, the last year before the big 3-0. My week was filled with surprises. I was finding my presents in my work bag, around my apartment. And then on Friday, my boyfriend and Lola threw me a surprise birthday party. To say I was shocked is an understatement. My reaction was so slow. I had no idea what was going on. I had a great time with my family and friends. Last night showed me how truly blessed I am. I have amazing people in my life, my health, a home, a job. There are no reasons for me to ever not be happy. I get that from time to time we get into moods. But going forward I refuse to take it the level I’ve been I the last few weeks. I have so much to going for me. Yeah I don’t like my job but something is coming and it will be here soon.

I’m going to try my best to come up with a schedule for this blog/journal. And hopefully it works this time.  I am back in school now so hopefully I’ll able to manage it all.

Oh and to help with my positivity I will start writing in a gratitude journal. I figured this would be a a way to remind myself things are actually pretty good.

Third time’s a charm..

12 Sep

So I’m taking Financial Controllership 2(pretty much corporate finance) for the third time.  Yes, the third time.  I passed the first 2 times, but I need a grade of 70 for it to count towards my accounting designation.  My prof gave us the option of reviewing our final exam to help us figure out where we went wrong. I had a feeling a messed up on the theory (I hate reading) but I just wanted to see to make sure.  I was wrong.

Turns out I was having a hard time with unit 3.  When I told the course during the summer it was accelerated.  Meaning it was a 15 week course crammed into 7.5 weeks, maybe not a good idea for my brain.  By the time we did unit 3, I had to learn all this material and be ready to be tested on it in less than 2 weeks; another bad idea.  After review my exam with my prof we had a little talk.  She asked me how far I was in my designation and what the next step was.  I told her how I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with the designation. I explained I didn’t find it fun and I wasn’t sure if it was actually accounting or the organization I worked for.  I continued on and told her I was looking into project management .She (like others) told me that accounting isn’t the greatest but it pays the bills. She said I should finish my designation especially since I’ve passed the half way mark.  No one ever really questions someone with an accounting designation because everyone knows about all the hard work and dedication that goes behind it.  She went on to say I should finish it now, while I’m still young and if anything use it to open doors for me later, like getting my project management designation.

After listening to her, I kinda agreed.  Project management requires work experience.  If I continue with my accounting designation and see if I can work on some projects and work with budgeting a forecasting, I can build on the work experience I would need.  My prof also told me that the fact that I’ve been with the same company for 5 years is a good thing. It shows that I’ve proven myself to be a hard worker, especially in a time when it’s hard to get a job.  She continued and told me she’s knows I’m capable of great things and I should just have some patience.

I left the meeting feeling better and having a better idea of what to do next. I think I will finish my designation but I won’t rule out project management, especially since I’m supposed to be meeting up with Alex later today.  Can’t wait to see how that goes

I know, it’s been awhile

11 Sep

After staying late at work a few days, I started to think if me working in 2 divisions was such a good idea.  I spoke to my mentor and she told me if it was too much I could give something up. She also explained that if I were to work in project management that it too would be just as crazy.  I completely get that, I know that.  And I also know that every organization has its problems.  I told her I’d tough it out some more before I make a decision.  Everything else was fine, it was just month end.  Maybe if I adjust my schedule during that week, everything would be okay.  I went back to my desk and worked.  Time flew.  I finished an assignment I was working on.  I had to track some contractors’ cost see if it was within a certain budget.  I personally didn’t think it was a big deal until I received an email from one of the IT directors.  He told me he appreciated my help tracking the contractors’ cost and that it was a part of a $1.3M budget for his division.  I had no clue it was this big, I figured I was just doing my job.  He went on to say he looks forward to working with me on the remainder of the project and thanks for the support.  I was in shock. I told him he was welcome and that I look forward to assisting him. Sometimes when you feel like giving up, don’t.  The light is just at the end of the tunnel.

After dealing with the craziness of month end last week at work, I decided to take a little break.  Good thing I had a ladies night planned.

We stopped and got fish and chips from one of our favourite places.  Because I was so tired from my draining week (I think we all were) we headed home to nap before our night of fun.  After my nap, I got ready and headed over to Lola’s house for some predrinking. 20130906_222718 We finished a bottle of wine (Ménage à Trois, a go-to favourite) in 20 mins and then off to the club we went.  As soon as we walked in we were dancing, the music was great.  However we noticed that our friend (Lola’s roommate) Nicki didn’t seemed like she was having as much fun as we were.  A visit of to the bar was needed20130906_232507.  After our shots Nicki was feeling great.  We had great night, no hassles.  The next day I woke up and my ears where ringing and I had a slight headache. I guess things change as you get older.

I spent the rest of the weekend relaxing because I knew that starting Monday I would be back to night school, something I wasn’t looking forward to. Speaking of which, I have some homework I need to get to