Tag Archives: life

Disappearing Act..

9 Oct

I know. It’s almost been a month since my last post.  I should be ashamed.  But all of a sudden life happened.

One of my closest friends got married and I had the pleasure of being  one of her lovely bridesmaids (more about that later).  Meanwhile I’ve started to help my other friend plan her wedding (she’s already married but will be do a big ceremony/reception for her family)

Work got crazy busy which included me working 10 hour days and even coming in during a weekend.

I ran a 5k for breast cancer; beat my time from last year by 3 mins.

I also have been applying for jobs non-stop. I’m so close to going to a recruiter (again more on that later)

Scandal started last week so that occupies my Thursday nights.

School is in full swing. I had a test on Monday so I’ve been studying whenever I could get a chance.

So with the 5k out of the way, one wedding down and work slowly slowing down, I should have some time again.

Stay tuned…

Lessons from an almost 3 yr old..

13 Sep

I recently got to spend some time with my niece Dani.  My mom says Dani reminds her of me; talkative and full of energy. During my visit, Dani proved my observation to be true. I felt like she was always running around and had some type of story to tell me.  She goes to daycare so she picks up a lot of things from the other kids..some good, some bad.

Anyways during my time with my niece she taught me some things.

1) It’s okay to take your time.
During my visit we went for a walk.  I’m a fast walker, everyone tells me this. I blame it on my long legs.  While walking with Dani I noticed she was having a hard time keeping up with me.  I slowed down my pace so she would be okay.  Even though we were taking our time, we still got to the place we needed to. Sometimes we just need to take out time and have patience.

2) Sometimes you just have to give it a go.
Well of course when I got used to walking slow, Dani wanted to run fast. And run fast she did.  I don’t know where she got the burst of energy from but it’s what I needed.  Sometimes if you move too slow, you miss out on some good action.

3) It’s okay to fall from time to time.
One time during the visit, Dani was telling me about a time when she fell at daycare. “Auntie, I have a boo-boo on my knee” she told me.  She then proceeded to tell me she was running, then fell and scratched her knee.  Smiling, she rolled up her pants to show me the scab. The fall didn’t bother her as much because now she had a story to tell and this scab to show for it.  We all go through things in life and sometimes we fall and are left with scars.  But each fall or scab is a lesson learned or a cool story.

Third time’s a charm..

12 Sep

So I’m taking Financial Controllership 2(pretty much corporate finance) for the third time.  Yes, the third time.  I passed the first 2 times, but I need a grade of 70 for it to count towards my accounting designation.  My prof gave us the option of reviewing our final exam to help us figure out where we went wrong. I had a feeling a messed up on the theory (I hate reading) but I just wanted to see to make sure.  I was wrong.

Turns out I was having a hard time with unit 3.  When I told the course during the summer it was accelerated.  Meaning it was a 15 week course crammed into 7.5 weeks, maybe not a good idea for my brain.  By the time we did unit 3, I had to learn all this material and be ready to be tested on it in less than 2 weeks; another bad idea.  After review my exam with my prof we had a little talk.  She asked me how far I was in my designation and what the next step was.  I told her how I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with the designation. I explained I didn’t find it fun and I wasn’t sure if it was actually accounting or the organization I worked for.  I continued on and told her I was looking into project management .She (like others) told me that accounting isn’t the greatest but it pays the bills. She said I should finish my designation especially since I’ve passed the half way mark.  No one ever really questions someone with an accounting designation because everyone knows about all the hard work and dedication that goes behind it.  She went on to say I should finish it now, while I’m still young and if anything use it to open doors for me later, like getting my project management designation.

After listening to her, I kinda agreed.  Project management requires work experience.  If I continue with my accounting designation and see if I can work on some projects and work with budgeting a forecasting, I can build on the work experience I would need.  My prof also told me that the fact that I’ve been with the same company for 5 years is a good thing. It shows that I’ve proven myself to be a hard worker, especially in a time when it’s hard to get a job.  She continued and told me she’s knows I’m capable of great things and I should just have some patience.

I left the meeting feeling better and having a better idea of what to do next. I think I will finish my designation but I won’t rule out project management, especially since I’m supposed to be meeting up with Alex later today.  Can’t wait to see how that goes