Tag Archives: work

29 and feeling fine

17 May

Hi!  I know it’s been about two months since I posted. I entered a funk and didn’t really feel like posting negative things online. I figured taking a little break would be good.

Over the past little bit I had a couple more interviews (phone and in person) but still nothing yet. I’ve registered with another agency and I’m hoping it brings more luck.

A couple weeks ago I decided that I need to let go of all the negative stuff and be more positive. My life isn’t that bad. Actually it’s not bad at all. So I decided to stop sulking and move one. I stared reading a couple books and they’ve seem to be helping. I’ll try to do a review on those later. But besides that everything else is good.

On Tuesday (May 13th) I turned 29. Oh boy, the last year before the big 3-0. My week was filled with surprises. I was finding my presents in my work bag, around my apartment. And then on Friday, my boyfriend and Lola threw me a surprise birthday party. To say I was shocked is an understatement. My reaction was so slow. I had no idea what was going on. I had a great time with my family and friends. Last night showed me how truly blessed I am. I have amazing people in my life, my health, a home, a job. There are no reasons for me to ever not be happy. I get that from time to time we get into moods. But going forward I refuse to take it the level I’ve been I the last few weeks. I have so much to going for me. Yeah I don’t like my job but something is coming and it will be here soon.

I’m going to try my best to come up with a schedule for this blog/journal. And hopefully it works this time.  I am back in school now so hopefully I’ll able to manage it all.

Oh and to help with my positivity I will start writing in a gratitude journal. I figured this would be a a way to remind myself things are actually pretty good.

Disappearing Act..

9 Oct

I know. It’s almost been a month since my last post.  I should be ashamed.  But all of a sudden life happened.

One of my closest friends got married and I had the pleasure of being  one of her lovely bridesmaids (more about that later).  Meanwhile I’ve started to help my other friend plan her wedding (she’s already married but will be do a big ceremony/reception for her family)

Work got crazy busy which included me working 10 hour days and even coming in during a weekend.

I ran a 5k for breast cancer; beat my time from last year by 3 mins.

I also have been applying for jobs non-stop. I’m so close to going to a recruiter (again more on that later)

Scandal started last week so that occupies my Thursday nights.

School is in full swing. I had a test on Monday so I’ve been studying whenever I could get a chance.

So with the 5k out of the way, one wedding down and work slowly slowing down, I should have some time again.

Stay tuned…