Tag Archives: women

Kelly Cutrone’s If You Have To Cry Go Outside

13 Dec

I’ve been meaning to read this book for some time now, so I was really happy when I got my hands on the e-book. I wanted to read a book from a women’s point of view about business and I think this was a good start.  This book reminded me and taught me a few things.  This book shows Kelly’s journey of what she went through and what she did to get there.  Sometimes you need to say screw it and go for your dream.  And there are times when you have to fake it to you make it.  But anything worthwhile is definitely worth all of the work.  And most of all be true to yourself.  I know this mini review is a little scattered and short. To be honest I read this book about a month ago. I do plan on reading it again and I’ll post an updated review.

Is Skinny The New Fat?

20 Nov

Now before I start I just want to say that this may come across as a rant from a small girl and that’s fine because that’s exactly what it is.

Many years ago and even still to this day, people often make fun of women’s (and/or men’s) body weight.  People who tend to weigh more were often made fun of.  Not saying it’s right, because it isn’t but it does happen.

Over the years there have been campaigns launched like Dove that promote women’s bodies of all shapes and colours, which is great. I think women’s bodies are one of the most beautiful things ever. I love how a woman’s body works.  Our bodies can be a home for a growing baby and then turn around and feed a newborn. Our bodies are an amazing creation. However not all women think this.
While we were all the rooting for healthier body types for some reason we started making fun of another body type. The skinny girl.

Growing up I got made fun of a lot because I was (and still am) a small framed girl.  It made me very self-conscious to the point where I would try to change either first or last when it came to phys-ed.  I also hated wearing skirts and shorts.  I remember one day in grade 7 I wore a skirt to school. One of my teachers pulled me aside and asked me if I had a lunch and what did I eat.  Now I know she was only concerned but she kept an eye on me for the rest of the school year.  Even to this day, people still pass comments.  When I was training for my 10k, someone at work told me I don’t need to train because I’m already skinny.  I’ve also been asked why I go to the gym when I don’t have any weight to lose. Just because I’m small doesn’t mean that I’m physically fit.  And just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m malnourished either.

Gaining weight for me isn’t easy. Trust me, I’ve tried.

I guess  I just wished people would lay off a bit and stop poking fun at the different body types.

Okay, rant done.