Tag Archives: shit

40 Day, 40 Nights…

6 Mar

Now I’m not all that religious. I did grow up in church but stopped going when a scandal broke out. However I have recently started going to church again, so we’ll see what happens.  This year I decided to jump on the bandwagon (probably the not the right phase to use) and participate in Lent.  I couldn’t decide on what to give up. There aren’t any foods I eat all the time. If I were to give up chocolate or candy it wouldn’t be a big deal to me.  One of my friends suggested I give up sex, I thought about it then laughed.  Finally I decided to give up swearing and being negative. I failed.  The first day in I must have said shit like seven times. So negativity it is.  No matter what the situation is I will try to find the positive in it. I figured if I can do this it will help me come out of the funk of been in as well as help make me a better person. Oh I’m also going to try to read the Bible every day. I’ve enrolled in some reading plans with the Bible app I have on my phone.

Here’s to some happy thoughts