Tag Archives: Relationships

Where has time gone

5 Sep

Hi Guys!

I know it’s been over a year since I last did a post. I’m not even sure who still reads this or remember if there was anyone who did. But either way here I am again. Before I get into the post I want to say my computer is broken so most of my post I’ll be writing from my phone. So here’s a little disclaimer because chances are there will be lots of typos, errors and grammar mistakes.

I shouldve checked back but i think my last post may have been about the surprise birthday party Mr Man and Lola did for me. A lot has happened since then. I actually left my job that was making me miserable in July of 2014. Mr Man parted ways with his company and was unemployed for a bit. We officially live together now. I finally turned 30 in May and love myself a bit more. Had a bit of a health scare. The job I started last year I left this year July… More on that later. Had some great times with family and friends. And I had surgery a couple of days ago. So here I am laying in bed. I figured now is a great time to write. I can’t really do anything else.

Since I’ll be using my phone more my post will be random. Sometimes short. Sometimes long and hopefully more frequent although I can’t make any promises.

Hope everyone is enjoying the last week for summer.

Tee xo

Another one bites the dust..

10 Oct

I remember sometime last year Lola asked me how I felt about my 2 besties being engaged and soon to be married.

I remember feeling happy, excited and a bit sad.  Happy and excited because I know this would be an amazing next step in their lives; but sad because I felt like they were kind of moving on without me.  Not saying that I was envious and I wanted to get married; because realistically I’m not ready for that.  But I meant moving on because I knew they would be so occupied with their lives and this new title/responsibility they would have.

Aly had just got recently engaged and found out she was pregnant.  That was huge.  You go from girlfriend to fiancée and mommy-to-be in like 30 secs.  I knew a lot of change was about to happen.

Shaunie had been engaged for a lil over 2 years and was beyond ready to break the glass and jump the broom.  She was ready for the next chapter of her life.

Fast forward to today and both Aly and Shaunie are happily married.

Aly decided on eloping. She found a nice little place, went away for the weekend and got’er done.  She plans on having her big family wedding later next year and she asked me to be her maid of honour.  Look at that, another title and responsibility lol.

Shaunie got married on September 21st. Weeks before I started prepping.  I had to get my dress taken in because of my small firm. Then I had to get it steamed.  Then there was the whole shoe factor, which turned out well because all of the bridesmaids were able to get the same shoes. Stylish.

The week of the wedding I checked the weather every day; I even had co-workers given me the updates.  Rain.  It was supposed all day the Saturday, like 80% chance.  Huge bummer considering the wedding ceremony would be outdoors.  I kept hoping that maybe Mother Nature would change her mind and decide not to be miserable.

The Saturday morning we were up at 6.  Hair and makeup had to be done.  I didn’t want to look out the window, fearing that I would see rain.  But instead I heard it.  We got ready, all glammed up and we looked gorgeous, especially the beautiful bride.20130921_143253

When we got to the Lakehouse umbrellas were out in full force. Damn you Mother Nature. The bridesmaids decided that we were going to brave it out and not wear our pashminas at the altar.  HUGE MISTAKE!  I almost froze.  Since we were right by the lake we were also experiencing some not to nice cold breezes. The whole time I was thinking warm thoughts to get me through.  Besides the weather the ceremony was great.  It was so nice to see my friends commit themselves to each other and start the next chapter of their lives.  When it came to picture time we got some great rain shots taken, so I guess the weather wasn’t so bad after all.

On our way to the reception, guess what happened? Mr Sun decided to show his face and you could see him starting to peek out through the clouds.  If only her could show his face sooner.

The rest of the day was great.  The food was amazing, music was great and people were dancing. Oh and the speeches.  The speeches were heartfelt and comical.

I feel like I’m missing some more details but my memory clearly isn’t the best right now.  If anything , I’ll add the rest later.

Oh there was a food truck at midnight which served ribs and poutine.  Frigging amazing. lolScreenshot_2013-10-09-18-45-26-1_1