Tag Archives: networking

A December to remember…part three

13 Jan

Thursday morning came around in no time. I woke up early and had some breakfast. I told myself not worry, everything would be fine. My good friend Nad told me no pressure, it’s not like I don’t have a job. If anything they need to prove to me why I should leave my current company.

I easily found the company. I decided to walk passed it to scope it out a bit and to change my shoes. I had winter boots on and need to put on a pair of pumps for the interview. After changing I walked into the lobby and checked in with the receptionist who was very nice. I waited for about five minutes and the whole time I could feel the receptionist checking me out. I figured she was probably making notes for the hiring manager. Shortly after the HR rep came down to get me and walked to where the interview would be held.

The hiring manager was really nice. He thanked me for coming in to meet him and said the interview would be very causal (thank goodness).He went over the job description and told me what I would be doing if I was chosen for the role. His questions were the usual tell me about yourself, strengths, weakness, why do you want to work here, why do you want to leave your company. The interview felt more like a conversation and I liked that.  I was asked about my goals professional and personally and how I plan on accomplishing them. I told them about the steps I’ve been doing to obtain my CGA designation. For my personal goal I mentioned that I did the 2013 Sporting Life 10K in 64mins and planned on doing the 2014 run in less time. The manager informed me that he runs as well and plans on doing the same run. Sweet, I found a connection.  Then he stumped me. He asked me some accounting questions; I don’t know why I wasn’t anticipating these. I ended up getting through them and he told me my answers were exactly what he was looking for…thank goodness. Then it was my turn to ask questions. I asked how they planned on moving forward considering how technology was moving (they’re a newspaper company, a lot of things are now digital), asked about the culture, why I should work there, what they like about the company, do they participate in team bonding.  One question I forgot to ask was how often they do performance reviews. But besides from that I was happy with the results.  I was able to shine in the interview and show my true self. I left feeling good. The hiring manager told me he’d let me know in January what his decision would be.

I’m a big google-r. When I apply to jobs I google the company and check them out on Linkedin. I search to see who I would be reporting to and who I would work with. When I was researching this company I saw a name that looked familiar but I wasn’t sure why. When I went into work the next day I found out why the name looked familiar; it belonged to a financial analyst we hired in November. It turns he used to work for the company I just had the interview for. Could my world really be this small?! I went looking for him to ask him some questions but because of the holidays he wasn’t in. I guess I’m going to have to wait to get the scoop…

I’m On My Way

31 Aug

Yesterday I decided to hit the ground running and do some research about project management. I wanted to find out more about the field and what I would be getting into.  Since Google and I are best friends that was my first stop.  While doing my research I remembered I know 2 people who went into to project management, I decided to send them some quick messages.  One of them (Alex) got back to me right away.  She asked why the switch from accounting.  I explained that accounting never really was part of the plan, it kind of just happened.  I also told her I was bored and uninterested.  But I did mention that it could be the company that I’m working for.  Alex went on to tell me that she actually started in accounting, realized she hated it and did the switch as well.  Instantly I felt a little better and didn’t feel as crazy.  By the end of our conversation she said we can arrange to meet up and she’ll bring her co-worker along.  Her co-worker is a financial analyst.  That way I can pick the brain of both a project manager and a financial analyst to help me decide which career is for me. Our meeting will take place in the next couple of months which works well for me. My September is a bit of a mess. One of my best friends is getting married (I’m a bridesmaid) and I’m also headed back to school part time, taking a corporate finance course.  By mid-September life should be calm again and I should have a better understanding of project management.

I don’t want to give up on accounting completely just yet.  I know that sometimes the environment you’re in can make you dislike something that you really don’t.  Yes I know I said accounting bores me, but the nerd in me likes the number crunching and balance the books after you’ve been out $5,403.

While researching I also found out there’s a beginner’s project management course I can take online.  I think this could be a good start and I can learn more about it.  Mr. Man also has a project management book that I can borrow.  Looks like I’m off to a good start and have a lot of work ahead of me but I’m sure it will be worth.  It’s all part of the journey.