Tag Archives: love

2013 Reflection

1 Jan

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone had a great, safe night.

When a new year starts, I often sit back and reflect. I don’t always remember things but that’s what pictures and friends are for lol. As I sit here typing this post one thing sticks out; in 2013 I laughed more and cried a lot less.  I think this has been one of the years where there weren’t that many sad tears and I am so happy about that.  And I see that as a HUGE accomplishment.

In 2013 I learned to love and be more patient with myself.  I often found myself saying ‘Tee, you are a work of art, a masterpiece and you are not to be rushed.’ Sometimes I would forget to tell myself this and get frustrated but I had my friends and family to remind me. I have to remember ‘nothing happens before it’s time.’ I also learned that I don’t have to like everyone and everyone doesn’t have to like me.

I’m looking forward to 2014. I’m very excited.  I’m looking forward to so many things thought I’d make a little list lol

  • my mommy turning the big 5-0 in April
  • more adventures with my Ladies
  • finding a new job
  • registering with the CGA organization
  • maybe  moving
  • watching my nieces grow
  • continue building a foundation with Mr. Man
  • making more memories with my wonderful siblings
  • continuing my soul searching

I truly believe 2014 will be a great year, not just because that’s what everyone says at the beginning of a new year but because I honestly feel like it will be.

Today we were given a new book with 365 blank pages. Whatever story you write within those pages I hope it’s a great one.

Tee xoxo

It’s 3 in the morning, do you know where your mind is?

20 Oct

I’ve been up for over
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What are you thankful for?

14 Oct

As I sit here on the couch, full after a great Thanksgiving dinner (I am Canadian lol) attempting to watch football (I don’t care for sports), I sit and ask myself what am I thankful for?

I know lately I’ve been a bit down. I’ve been thinking a lot that this cannot be life. But really life isn’t that bad. Life could be way worse. And I sit here thinking knowing I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a great support system of family and friends.  I have my health. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I have a career. I have life.

Sometimes we get so caught up looking at things we don’t have. And we forget everything that we have. We have so much and don’t even realize it. I say we but really I mean me. I do. I’m guilty of those things. I write this as a reminder to myself that although things may not be how I would like them to be… It’s okay. This too shall pass. The best is yet to come

Ps I had a wicked ass thanksgiving dinner with the fam. We had deep fried turkey


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Lessons from an almost 3 yr old..

13 Sep

I recently got to spend some time with my niece Dani.  My mom says Dani reminds her of me; talkative and full of energy. During my visit, Dani proved my observation to be true. I felt like she was always running around and had some type of story to tell me.  She goes to daycare so she picks up a lot of things from the other kids..some good, some bad.

Anyways during my time with my niece she taught me some things.

1) It’s okay to take your time.
During my visit we went for a walk.  I’m a fast walker, everyone tells me this. I blame it on my long legs.  While walking with Dani I noticed she was having a hard time keeping up with me.  I slowed down my pace so she would be okay.  Even though we were taking our time, we still got to the place we needed to. Sometimes we just need to take out time and have patience.

2) Sometimes you just have to give it a go.
Well of course when I got used to walking slow, Dani wanted to run fast. And run fast she did.  I don’t know where she got the burst of energy from but it’s what I needed.  Sometimes if you move too slow, you miss out on some good action.

3) It’s okay to fall from time to time.
One time during the visit, Dani was telling me about a time when she fell at daycare. “Auntie, I have a boo-boo on my knee” she told me.  She then proceeded to tell me she was running, then fell and scratched her knee.  Smiling, she rolled up her pants to show me the scab. The fall didn’t bother her as much because now she had a story to tell and this scab to show for it.  We all go through things in life and sometimes we fall and are left with scars.  But each fall or scab is a lesson learned or a cool story.