Tag Archives: horoscope

Where Am I Going?

29 Aug

I don’t even know where to start. The past few months have been a bit emotional and mentally draining. Looking back I always thought that by 28 I’d have a house, married, maybe a child and loving my career. When I turned 25 I realized yeah maybe not so much. I’ve learned that you can’t really put timelines on things like that. I’m learning that nothing happens before its time and sometimes what we have planned maybe isn’t even all that great.let go

The past couple of months I’ve been questioning what I want to do career wise. When I graduated from university an accounting job fell into my lap. Five years later I’m at the same company, working towards my accounting designation and completely miserable. When I think back I never really wanted to be in accounting. It just happened.

I’ve done a few things ‘just because’ and as I’ve gotten older, I know better than to do things ‘just because’. Life is too short for that.

So after speaking with my lovely support system I’ve started doing some soul searching. Maybe accounting isn’t for me. I find it boring.  And after speaking to my mentor and a few co-workers I’ve been told accounting is boring. People don’t go into accounting for excitement. They go into it because it can be rather easy but it is stable and can pay well.  I’m all for stability and great pay, but I hate being bored. I’m not much of the creative type but when I have ideas they tend to be good.  So what’s a girl to do? Dig deep.

I have a few ideas flowing around in my head but after having a good discussion with my sissy and Mr. Man last night, I think I’ve found something that I’m really interested in and would like to give it a shot. I just need to research it a bit more. I don’t want to make any quick decisions and end up regretting it later.  After all this is my life, my future we’re talking about.

This morning I woke up happy and excited about what my future could possibly hold. On my way to work I did the usual; check my instagram, facebook, twitter and of course my horoscope.  Horoscope 082913I can’t say I religiously follow the horoscope thing but I do find it entertaining.  The message in today’s horoscope couldn’t have any better timing.  I guess my horoscope confirms it.  It really is time to start exploring and digging deep.