Tag Archives: family

29 and feeling fine

17 May

Hi!  I know it’s been about two months since I posted. I entered a funk and didn’t really feel like posting negative things online. I figured taking a little break would be good.

Over the past little bit I had a couple more interviews (phone and in person) but still nothing yet. I’ve registered with another agency and I’m hoping it brings more luck.

A couple weeks ago I decided that I need to let go of all the negative stuff and be more positive. My life isn’t that bad. Actually it’s not bad at all. So I decided to stop sulking and move one. I stared reading a couple books and they’ve seem to be helping. I’ll try to do a review on those later. But besides that everything else is good.

On Tuesday (May 13th) I turned 29. Oh boy, the last year before the big 3-0. My week was filled with surprises. I was finding my presents in my work bag, around my apartment. And then on Friday, my boyfriend and Lola threw me a surprise birthday party. To say I was shocked is an understatement. My reaction was so slow. I had no idea what was going on. I had a great time with my family and friends. Last night showed me how truly blessed I am. I have amazing people in my life, my health, a home, a job. There are no reasons for me to ever not be happy. I get that from time to time we get into moods. But going forward I refuse to take it the level I’ve been I the last few weeks. I have so much to going for me. Yeah I don’t like my job but something is coming and it will be here soon.

I’m going to try my best to come up with a schedule for this blog/journal. And hopefully it works this time.  I am back in school now so hopefully I’ll able to manage it all.

Oh and to help with my positivity I will start writing in a gratitude journal. I figured this would be a a way to remind myself things are actually pretty good.

2013 Reflection

1 Jan

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I hope everyone had a great, safe night.

When a new year starts, I often sit back and reflect. I don’t always remember things but that’s what pictures and friends are for lol. As I sit here typing this post one thing sticks out; in 2013 I laughed more and cried a lot less.  I think this has been one of the years where there weren’t that many sad tears and I am so happy about that.  And I see that as a HUGE accomplishment.

In 2013 I learned to love and be more patient with myself.  I often found myself saying ‘Tee, you are a work of art, a masterpiece and you are not to be rushed.’ Sometimes I would forget to tell myself this and get frustrated but I had my friends and family to remind me. I have to remember ‘nothing happens before it’s time.’ I also learned that I don’t have to like everyone and everyone doesn’t have to like me.

I’m looking forward to 2014. I’m very excited.  I’m looking forward to so many things thought I’d make a little list lol

  • my mommy turning the big 5-0 in April
  • more adventures with my Ladies
  • finding a new job
  • registering with the CGA organization
  • maybe  moving
  • watching my nieces grow
  • continue building a foundation with Mr. Man
  • making more memories with my wonderful siblings
  • continuing my soul searching

I truly believe 2014 will be a great year, not just because that’s what everyone says at the beginning of a new year but because I honestly feel like it will be.

Today we were given a new book with 365 blank pages. Whatever story you write within those pages I hope it’s a great one.

Tee xoxo

It’s 3 in the morning, do you know where your mind is?

20 Oct

I’ve been up for over
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What are you thankful for?

14 Oct

As I sit here on the couch, full after a great Thanksgiving dinner (I am Canadian lol) attempting to watch football (I don’t care for sports), I sit and ask myself what am I thankful for?

I know lately I’ve been a bit down. I’ve been thinking a lot that this cannot be life. But really life isn’t that bad. Life could be way worse. And I sit here thinking knowing I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a great support system of family and friends.  I have my health. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I have a career. I have life.

Sometimes we get so caught up looking at things we don’t have. And we forget everything that we have. We have so much and don’t even realize it. I say we but really I mean me. I do. I’m guilty of those things. I write this as a reminder to myself that although things may not be how I would like them to be… It’s okay. This too shall pass. The best is yet to come

Ps I had a wicked ass thanksgiving dinner with the fam. We had deep fried turkey


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