Tag Archives: dentist

Stupid Dentist

17 Mar

I never understood why doctors make patients have appointments. They rarely ever run on time.

I had a dentist appointment on Saturday.  I was there for almost 15 minutes before they called me into the little room. Everyone was fine until the end when I noticed blood on my arm.  I asked the hygienist if I was bleeding a lot. She casually says “No, not really”. As she says this I notice a blob of blood on my shirt.  I show it to her and she starts apologizing profusely, then tells me there are specks of blood on the collar of my shirt.  Now I’m angry. But at myself.  Why in the world did I wear one of my favourite shirts.  It’s a pale demin button down. I’m cursing in my head because I’m trying to remember if it’s hot or cold water that gets blood out (it’s cold water if you’re wondering). I make the way to the receptionist to make a couple appointments; one to get a couple fillings replaced and another for my next cleaning in six months. After going back and forth we agree on Monday (today) at 4:30pm.

I left work early to make this stupid dentist appointment. And as I sat in the waiting room, looking at the clock telling me it’s 4:47pm, I’m cussing.  I don’t get why I even rush to these stupid appointments. I won’t bore you with any more dentist stories but it the rest of the appointment went well except that now I’m sitting here with my face half frozen feeling like a damn chipmunk.