Tag Archives: CPA

My First Jump

8 Sep

I think I started my job search around November/December of 2013. I had so many phone interviews and face-to-face ones. I lost count of how many jobs I applied to. I think because I was so miserable at my job at the time, almost everywhere else seemed great. The company I was at was becoming toxic. No one liked working there. Everyone was short tempered, didn’t have patience. I remember some Sunday nights I would cry because I didn’t want to go to work the next day. Monday mornings I had to give myself a pep talk.

By June 2014 I still hadn’t found a new job but knew something was around the corner. I came across this one company. They were hiring for two positions.  One was a revenue accountant which I could easily do. It dealt with setting up leases, manual billings, bank reconciliations, AR. Easy. The other position was of the a property accountant. Cash flows, financial statements, budgeting. It was exactly what I was looking for. For sure I would get my work experience for my designation through this job. I applied for both because I noticed I didn’t necessarily have all the experience required for the property accountant role. But I knew if I got in, I would prove myself and the property accountant role would be mine. I also researched the company on LinkedIn and saw that people who started as a revenue accountant were usually promoted within a year to a property accountant. I was very hopefully.

After the two interviews where I stressed I needed a job that would give me the experience I needed to complete my accounting designation, I received an offer for the revenue accountant position the first week of July. I was so excited, I didn’t even negotiate (which I shouldve) . I was told that after my probation, I would have a review where I had a good chance of getting an increase. I took the offer and ran. Not to mention all the little perks I was getting. Cake day every month to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries (who doesn’t love cake) . A subsidized gym membership. Unlimited sick days (within reason), three weeks vacation, work from home access if needed, tuition reimbursement,  an employee assistance programs so I could be units of the company. I was happy. I walked into work the next day and happily handed in my resignation. I was off to better things.

The last two weeks of my job went by quick and we’re emotionally draining. They offered two positions to make me stay. One was for a maternity leave and the other for a position where there wasn’t much growth. I declined both because you never take a counter offer. You were looking for a reason. And if they really valued me they wouldn’t take so long to show it. Plus I heard my manager was going around telling people I shouldve left a year ago when I applied for a position in the company and they didn’t give it to me. Anyways that was that. During my last week there a coworker died. My last day with the company I attended the funeral for my coworker. It hit us all really hard. And made leaving even harder. I felt like I was walking away from my family. Some of them were like family. But I still talk to them on a regular basis.  The following Tuesday I started my new job.

*This post was written with the WordPress app on my phone. Please excuse any typos that may be present*


10 Mar

A lot has been going on over the last month and I’ll give you a quick rundown….

Towards the end of January I was having some pain in my tailbone and then I fell on it. After numerous doctor visits I found out I had a pilonidal cyst and when I fell I fractured my tailbone.  The cyst turned into an abscess that I had to get drained.  I ended up missing a week off work and now I’m being referred to a specialist to see if I have to have surgery to get the sinus that caused the cyst removed. Oh and during my wonderful week off, I received a call for an interview for my dream job. The interview was okay, the test was hard. I feel like the recruiter I spoke to completely downplayed the test. I felt as if I was doing my tax exam all over again. To say I wasn’t prepared may be an understatement. I’m still waiting to hear back.

Two weeks ago I went to a CGA event and received some information about the merger to CPA. I’m feeling a more confident about my future. Now just to full enroll into the program and find a job.  Speaking of, at the CGA event the discussed using a recruiting agency to help you find a job.  So I took the advice and signed up. I’ve already met with them and I’m feeling good about my decision. Something tells me something great will be happening soon