Tag Archives: chakras

21 Days to Form a Habit

30 Aug

Or so they say…

I’m a person who likes schedules and routines.  It helps me stay focused and on track. Don’t get it twisted, I’m not saying I’m boring old hag who doesn’t like new tricks.  I just mean in order for me to be productive I need to do things a certain way.  Anyways back to this habit thing.

There are times when I feel like I have way too much going on in my head (you know especially when I’m trying to sleep) I thought maybe meditation would help and downloaded a few podcasts to help clear my chakras . It worked for a bit and I enjoyed it.  Then I heard about the 21-Day Meditation Challenge  with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. I’ve tried to 2 different meditation challenges and I have yet to finish one completely.  I miss one day, then next thing I’m 2 days behind. Or I try meditating lying down and next thing I’m sleeping (huge mistake by the way) and have no idea what the meditation session was about.  Although it’s only 15 minutes, it’s hard to find the time and then to turn my brain off while I’m sitting there in silence.

A couple days ago I was doing the daily email exchange with my homie Lola.  She sent me a link about some girl who was having a hard time letting go of her ex (very random but we are random people).  The author of the post referred the heartbroken girl to a book by Debbie Ford. Me being the googler I am, I decided to see who this Debbie person was about. I’m interested in self-help books because they either make me laugh or make me think in ways I didn’t before.  Anyways while I was researching, I found this The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul’s Deepest Purpose.

As soon as I read the summary it captured my attention.  I figured why don’t I give it a shot, especially since I’m the soul-searching, what’s my purpose phase right now. But will I actually do it and finish it within 21 days…probably not. How about I do it every other day, meaning I’d actually finish it in 42 days (I’m a math whiz), but then there goes the whole forming a habit in 21 days thing. I did some more digging and found out that Oprah actually did a feature on the cleanse a couple years ago. On Oprah’s Site you can find a day-by day guide about the cleanse. They even suggested doing the cleanse Monday – Friday and using the weekends to catch up if you fall behind. Perfect!

I plan to start it within the next couple of weeks, I need to find the book first. I’ll post summaries of each section to help hold me accountable and maybe, just maybe I’ll finish with 21 days.