Tag Archives: CGA

My First Jump

8 Sep

I think I started my job search around November/December of 2013. I had so many phone interviews and face-to-face ones. I lost count of how many jobs I applied to. I think because I was so miserable at my job at the time, almost everywhere else seemed great. The company I was at was becoming toxic. No one liked working there. Everyone was short tempered, didn’t have patience. I remember some Sunday nights I would cry because I didn’t want to go to work the next day. Monday mornings I had to give myself a pep talk.

By June 2014 I still hadn’t found a new job but knew something was around the corner. I came across this one company. They were hiring for two positions.  One was a revenue accountant which I could easily do. It dealt with setting up leases, manual billings, bank reconciliations, AR. Easy. The other position was of the a property accountant. Cash flows, financial statements, budgeting. It was exactly what I was looking for. For sure I would get my work experience for my designation through this job. I applied for both because I noticed I didn’t necessarily have all the experience required for the property accountant role. But I knew if I got in, I would prove myself and the property accountant role would be mine. I also researched the company on LinkedIn and saw that people who started as a revenue accountant were usually promoted within a year to a property accountant. I was very hopefully.

After the two interviews where I stressed I needed a job that would give me the experience I needed to complete my accounting designation, I received an offer for the revenue accountant position the first week of July. I was so excited, I didn’t even negotiate (which I shouldve) . I was told that after my probation, I would have a review where I had a good chance of getting an increase. I took the offer and ran. Not to mention all the little perks I was getting. Cake day every month to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries (who doesn’t love cake) . A subsidized gym membership. Unlimited sick days (within reason), three weeks vacation, work from home access if needed, tuition reimbursement,  an employee assistance programs so I could be units of the company. I was happy. I walked into work the next day and happily handed in my resignation. I was off to better things.

The last two weeks of my job went by quick and we’re emotionally draining. They offered two positions to make me stay. One was for a maternity leave and the other for a position where there wasn’t much growth. I declined both because you never take a counter offer. You were looking for a reason. And if they really valued me they wouldn’t take so long to show it. Plus I heard my manager was going around telling people I shouldve left a year ago when I applied for a position in the company and they didn’t give it to me. Anyways that was that. During my last week there a coworker died. My last day with the company I attended the funeral for my coworker. It hit us all really hard. And made leaving even harder. I felt like I was walking away from my family. Some of them were like family. But I still talk to them on a regular basis.  The following Tuesday I started my new job.

*This post was written with the WordPress app on my phone. Please excuse any typos that may be present*

Onto the next one…

13 Mar

I finally heard back from that job. I didn’t get it.  They said they liked me, I was a great fit but they went with someone with more experience.  I kinda get it because it is tax season and they’re going to need someone who would jump in and run with it…I would’ve been more of a speed walk. Either way it still hurts a little.  I just want a chance and it doesn’t seem like I’m getting it. Or maybe it’s not my turn to get a chance.

The job market isn’t looking the greatest right now.  Looks like I may be stuck where I am for now. The positive side of it is at least I have a job. Not everyone can be that lucky.

I think my next step is looking for a part time job. Doesn’t necessarily have to be in accounting but something to increase my cashflow. There has to be something out there right…..

Oh and I’m back to taking classes next semester. Fun times.  Also this summer I’m going to enroll into the CGA program. The transfer credit application is $418 and then the registration fees are $755. This doesn’t include the cost of courses or books. See why I need a part time job now.

So if anyone knows of part-time job available in the Toronto area, let me know


10 Mar

A lot has been going on over the last month and I’ll give you a quick rundown….

Towards the end of January I was having some pain in my tailbone and then I fell on it. After numerous doctor visits I found out I had a pilonidal cyst and when I fell I fractured my tailbone.  The cyst turned into an abscess that I had to get drained.  I ended up missing a week off work and now I’m being referred to a specialist to see if I have to have surgery to get the sinus that caused the cyst removed. Oh and during my wonderful week off, I received a call for an interview for my dream job. The interview was okay, the test was hard. I feel like the recruiter I spoke to completely downplayed the test. I felt as if I was doing my tax exam all over again. To say I wasn’t prepared may be an understatement. I’m still waiting to hear back.

Two weeks ago I went to a CGA event and received some information about the merger to CPA. I’m feeling a more confident about my future. Now just to full enroll into the program and find a job.  Speaking of, at the CGA event the discussed using a recruiting agency to help you find a job.  So I took the advice and signed up. I’ve already met with them and I’m feeling good about my decision. Something tells me something great will be happening soon

A little change never hurt nobody…

3 Jan

After deciding to finish my accounting designation, I realized that I would for sure need a new job. I’ve previously stated how unhappy I am at my current job.

Over the past couple of months nothing has changed.  I don’t feel like part of the team.  I feel that my surroundings aren’t very professional. I’m not saying I’m all work and no play because I like to play. I just feel that the lines are frequently blurred. Also with my five year work anniversary approaching, the clock in my head has been getting louder; it’s time for me to go.

Working for this company has taught me a lot but it seems like the last two years have kind of been a waste. And for where I see myself going, I have to make a change and leave. So the first step was looking at my resume.

The resume I had been using wasn’t getting me any bites.  And after sending it to a recruiter and not hearing anything back, I realized I really needed to change it.  It was all over the place. Yeah it’s good that I had some experience but what good was it if it didn’t apply to the job. Now I know what you’re saying…’Tee come on now you should know better’..and I did. But looking back, I think me not putting any real effort into my resume was me sabotaging myself and hold myself back. So I re-did my resume and got it down to a nice eye-catching 1 page. As soon as I did it, I applied for a job. That same day I heard back from company.  Well kinda. I received an email asking salary expectations and asking if I was willing to travelling to another part of town, which I was definitely up for because it was right on the subway line.  Well I guess the HR representative didn’t like my answer for salary expectations because I didn’t hear back from her. But I didn’t let that stop me. I applied for two others jobs that week and felt confident about them.

I know job hunting can be a long process; it can take months. But I’m willing to put the work in because I I know it’s time for me to move on.

I made a decision…

20 Dec

Over the past couple of months I’ve been having a war with myself.  I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.  Do I finish my accounting designation, do I move to project management, do I scrape everything all together and try something completely new? After looking at the type of person I am, I came to a decision.  I really dislike when projects are started and never finished.  So I decided to finish my designation. Like I previous said, I like numbers and helping people. I feel accounting will give me that balance.  And I once I finish my designation I can use it as a stepping to stone to do something else.  Having a designation can help me get into project management.  I also realized that no one regrets doing their designation but some do regret not finishing it.  So finish I shall. I shall put on my big girl panties, stop the crying about how hard and time consuming it is and realize that it will all most definitely be worth it all in the end.