Tag Archives: Certified General Accountant

A little change never hurt nobody…

3 Jan

After deciding to finish my accounting designation, I realized that I would for sure need a new job. I’ve previously stated how unhappy I am at my current job.

Over the past couple of months nothing has changed.  I don’t feel like part of the team.  I feel that my surroundings aren’t very professional. I’m not saying I’m all work and no play because I like to play. I just feel that the lines are frequently blurred. Also with my five year work anniversary approaching, the clock in my head has been getting louder; it’s time for me to go.

Working for this company has taught me a lot but it seems like the last two years have kind of been a waste. And for where I see myself going, I have to make a change and leave. So the first step was looking at my resume.

The resume I had been using wasn’t getting me any bites.  And after sending it to a recruiter and not hearing anything back, I realized I really needed to change it.  It was all over the place. Yeah it’s good that I had some experience but what good was it if it didn’t apply to the job. Now I know what you’re saying…’Tee come on now you should know better’..and I did. But looking back, I think me not putting any real effort into my resume was me sabotaging myself and hold myself back. So I re-did my resume and got it down to a nice eye-catching 1 page. As soon as I did it, I applied for a job. That same day I heard back from company.  Well kinda. I received an email asking salary expectations and asking if I was willing to travelling to another part of town, which I was definitely up for because it was right on the subway line.  Well I guess the HR representative didn’t like my answer for salary expectations because I didn’t hear back from her. But I didn’t let that stop me. I applied for two others jobs that week and felt confident about them.

I know job hunting can be a long process; it can take months. But I’m willing to put the work in because I I know it’s time for me to move on.

Third time is most definitely the charm…

23 Dec

Back in September I discussed my pain joys of taking my corporate finance class for the third time.

Well I am pleased to say I finally passed the class with 70%, actually 78% to be exact.  I’m so happy and relieved.  I’ve learned my lesson that accelerated classes are really not for me.  I need a regular semester to observe all the information. I’m so glad that it’s over and I don’t have to open that textbook again.

So now what’s next? I planned on taking the advanced management account 2 in January but honestly my brain needs a break and truly shits expensive.  I could manage and pay for the class ($800 plus the textbook) but there are other things I want to put that money to.  I want to finally enroll with the Certified General Accountants institute so I’m not in jeopardy of losing all the transfer credits I’ve received over the years.  The transfer application alone is $380 plus when I do pay my membership fee that’s another $400-600. And I also have Aly’s wedding coming up.

So far 2014 is looking very expensive but fulfilling.