Tag Archives: Canada’s Wonderland

Long Weekends Need To Be Longer

3 Sep

It’s so hard going back to work after a weekend. It was extremely hard going back to work after a long weekend.  But I woke up this morning ready. I was ready to walk through the corporate doors with a smile, singing the usual ‘good mornings’ to whoever passed me on my way to my desk.  I think the reason for my somewhat good mood was the audiobook Mr. Man made me listen to last night.  I say ‘made me’ because he told me to pick an audiobook to listen to and I said no, I was too tired. So what did he do?  He decided he would play the audiobook so loud that I was forced to listen to it. Smart man.

The audiobook (no idea what it’s called, when I find out I’ll post it) turned out to be really interesting.  The author was talking about how people at work often feel entitled to things.  They feel their job should do certain things, when in reality work doesn’t owe you anything.  The author went on to say that when you sign your job offer, you are making a deal.  Your employer said they will pay you ‘x’ amount of dollars as long as you do your job, nothing more, nothing else.  But instead there are people who complain about what kind of chips are in the vending machine (guilty) and how bad the coffee is (I bring tea from home).

Another topic the author brought up was that work/businesses have no emotions.  Work doesn’t care if you’re having a bad day. Work doesn’t care if your toddler was up all night crying and you didn’t sleep. Just show up and do your job.  As much as I have a problem separating my feelings from work, I completely agree with this point. I feel when emotions are attached it makes things harder.  I need to learn how not to wear my heart on my sleeve.  I had one incident when a person knew way too much about me. They knew what to say to make me feel inadequate and when they saw the emotion on my face they went for the kill.  I went home and cried for hours.  After that I said never again.  I’m still working on the no emotion at work thing, I’ll get there.

Besides that the long weekend was good (still too short).  On Sunday, Mr Man and I went to Canada’s Wonderland . We were there maybe for 2 hours.  As you get older amusement parks aren’t as fun anymore.  We went on Leviathan , the latest roller coaster I’ve been dying to go on.  Leviathan-image-6During the first drop I screamed like crazy but after that I was good.  We did a couple of the other big roller coasters then decided to have some funnel cake.20130901_155033  If you haven’t had funnel cake, I suggest you get some soon. Pure goodness.

Monday was more of a relaxing day.  I woke up and went for a run.  I have a 5km coming up in October; might as well start training now.  After the run I gave myself a little spa day.  I made an avocado/olive oil mask for my hair and then gave myself a facial. It was great. Sometimes you need to take a time out and take care of yourself.  Mid-afternoon I got a lovely message from Lola. She wanted to know what was up.  We decided to go mini-putting. Let me just say September came and said summer is over.  It was not nice last night but we made the best of it and cracked jokes.

That was pretty much my weekend. …I think. I may have left something out. When it comes to me I’ll add it.

Oh I didn’t forget about the 21 day conciousness cleanse. I’m still looking for the book.