Tag Archives: Accountant

My First Jump

8 Sep

I think I started my job search around November/December of 2013. I had so many phone interviews and face-to-face ones. I lost count of how many jobs I applied to. I think because I was so miserable at my job at the time, almost everywhere else seemed great. The company I was at was becoming toxic. No one liked working there. Everyone was short tempered, didn’t have patience. I remember some Sunday nights I would cry because I didn’t want to go to work the next day. Monday mornings I had to give myself a pep talk.

By June 2014 I still hadn’t found a new job but knew something was around the corner. I came across this one company. They were hiring for two positions.  One was a revenue accountant which I could easily do. It dealt with setting up leases, manual billings, bank reconciliations, AR. Easy. The other position was of the a property accountant. Cash flows, financial statements, budgeting. It was exactly what I was looking for. For sure I would get my work experience for my designation through this job. I applied for both because I noticed I didn’t necessarily have all the experience required for the property accountant role. But I knew if I got in, I would prove myself and the property accountant role would be mine. I also researched the company on LinkedIn and saw that people who started as a revenue accountant were usually promoted within a year to a property accountant. I was very hopefully.

After the two interviews where I stressed I needed a job that would give me the experience I needed to complete my accounting designation, I received an offer for the revenue accountant position the first week of July. I was so excited, I didn’t even negotiate (which I shouldve) . I was told that after my probation, I would have a review where I had a good chance of getting an increase. I took the offer and ran. Not to mention all the little perks I was getting. Cake day every month to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries (who doesn’t love cake) . A subsidized gym membership. Unlimited sick days (within reason), three weeks vacation, work from home access if needed, tuition reimbursement,  an employee assistance programs so I could be units of the company. I was happy. I walked into work the next day and happily handed in my resignation. I was off to better things.

The last two weeks of my job went by quick and we’re emotionally draining. They offered two positions to make me stay. One was for a maternity leave and the other for a position where there wasn’t much growth. I declined both because you never take a counter offer. You were looking for a reason. And if they really valued me they wouldn’t take so long to show it. Plus I heard my manager was going around telling people I shouldve left a year ago when I applied for a position in the company and they didn’t give it to me. Anyways that was that. During my last week there a coworker died. My last day with the company I attended the funeral for my coworker. It hit us all really hard. And made leaving even harder. I felt like I was walking away from my family. Some of them were like family. But I still talk to them on a regular basis.  The following Tuesday I started my new job.

*This post was written with the WordPress app on my phone. Please excuse any typos that may be present*

Third time is most definitely the charm…

23 Dec

Back in September I discussed my pain joys of taking my corporate finance class for the third time.

Well I am pleased to say I finally passed the class with 70%, actually 78% to be exact.  I’m so happy and relieved.  I’ve learned my lesson that accelerated classes are really not for me.  I need a regular semester to observe all the information. I’m so glad that it’s over and I don’t have to open that textbook again.

So now what’s next? I planned on taking the advanced management account 2 in January but honestly my brain needs a break and truly shits expensive.  I could manage and pay for the class ($800 plus the textbook) but there are other things I want to put that money to.  I want to finally enroll with the Certified General Accountants institute so I’m not in jeopardy of losing all the transfer credits I’ve received over the years.  The transfer application alone is $380 plus when I do pay my membership fee that’s another $400-600. And I also have Aly’s wedding coming up.

So far 2014 is looking very expensive but fulfilling.