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Here We Go Again…

14 Jul

I keep on telling myself I’ll get better with blogging. I say I’ll come up with a plan, a routine that will help me get into the habit of posting regularly. I do it for about two weeks and then I stop. I’m a slacker I know. But like with all things, this needs work.

A few things have happened over the last month and a bit. A couple lessons learned, a few experiences experienced and I think no tears shed.

After getting my herat broken after a few interviews (note to self: just because you think you’re great for the job, doesn’t mean they think you’re great for the job)I went into overdrive applying for jobs. I just want out. A new experience a new feeling. I applied to any and everything. I was over-qualified, underqualified, whatever I was applying to it. And it was working. I was getting phone calls and emails. Some didn’t get too far but I figured it would only make me better. Practice makes perfect…right?! I don’t want to say I start caring less about interviews but I kinda did. I didn’t get my hopes up all the time I got a call back.  I refused to get worked up until I had some type of feedback and even then I tried my hardest not to. But I did keep believing that something would happen soon.

Summa, Summa, Summatime

24 May

Summer is on its way and I can almost feel. I love summer. I love the warmth, the bbqs, the patio drinking with friends. I just love it.  After a brutal winter I bet there are tons of people who feel the same way. I was looking at my calendar and realized that even though summer hasn’t officially started I already have quite a few things booked.

A couple weeks ago I bought a tent and last week I decided to do a test run and put it up.  The damn thing took up my whole living room (my living room isn’t big to begin with but still). I bought Coleman 6 Person Instant Dome Tent, it was on sale at Target for $112. I bought a six person tent because I figured once the air mattress and bags are in we’d still have ro20140518_202844om to walk around and change. I’m also hoping it will last us while. We already have three camping trips scheduled for the summer. Oh and I also found s’mores kits.

Last weekend Me, Lola, and Shaunie decided to go look at costumes for Caribana. Caribana is a yearly festival that happens here in Toronto during the August long weekend. This year it will take place August 2nd.  It is one of the biggest Caribbean festival. It’s a large party that takes place on the lakeshore with tons of colourful costumes and great vibes, plus it brings millions of dollars into the city. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to play again this year but then more I heard people talking about it, the more I realized I’d regret it if I didn’t. Anyways we decided to play with Saldenah again like we did last year. We agreed on a costume and it is beautiful.

So far the summer is looking great and I will try my best to document it.

Stupid Dentist

17 Mar

I never understood why doctors make patients have appointments. They rarely ever run on time.

I had a dentist appointment on Saturday.  I was there for almost 15 minutes before they called me into the little room. Everyone was fine until the end when I noticed blood on my arm.  I asked the hygienist if I was bleeding a lot. She casually says “No, not really”. As she says this I notice a blob of blood on my shirt.  I show it to her and she starts apologizing profusely, then tells me there are specks of blood on the collar of my shirt.  Now I’m angry. But at myself.  Why in the world did I wear one of my favourite shirts.  It’s a pale demin button down. I’m cursing in my head because I’m trying to remember if it’s hot or cold water that gets blood out (it’s cold water if you’re wondering). I make the way to the receptionist to make a couple appointments; one to get a couple fillings replaced and another for my next cleaning in six months. After going back and forth we agree on Monday (today) at 4:30pm.

I left work early to make this stupid dentist appointment. And as I sat in the waiting room, looking at the clock telling me it’s 4:47pm, I’m cussing.  I don’t get why I even rush to these stupid appointments. I won’t bore you with any more dentist stories but it the rest of the appointment went well except that now I’m sitting here with my face half frozen feeling like a damn chipmunk.

Maybe this isn’t for me….

17 Feb

I know it’s been awhile. And me saying it’s been awhile is becoming more frequent than the post itself.  For a quick update..I never did get the job I had the interview for in December.  I even did a follow-up phone call Mid-January so I could get some feedback and I didn’t get a response back.  Really disappointing especially since it’s from a national newspaper.   I’ve been applying for jobs non-stop and hopefully something comes up soon.  Besides all of that nothing else I really going on. I tried doing a 30-day yoga challenge and lasted about a week before I injured myself. Now I’m out for a month healing.  Work is work, nothing exciting and the usual issues with my manager so not really worth posting about. After a while you get tired of saying the same old story. I try to keep believing that a great change will happen soon and my career will pick up. Then I wonder what I usually do wonder every few months; maybe accounting isn’t for me.  But I really won’t know that until I go to a different company.

And  this blog…I’m going to try to write more and I know I keep saying that but I’m thinking I should be able to drop in a bit more lines more often. Especially if I have the app on my phone, just forgive me for any typos or grammatical errors

Merry Christmas

25 Dec

Just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone else.

MIA..I Thought This Would Be Easy

18 Nov

It’s been a month and I haven’t been writing.  I didn’t realize maintaining a blog would be so hard.  I told myself since this is something I really want to do I’ll put in more of an effort.  By the end of the year I should have move of a steady schedule.  I won’t announce what it is just yet, I don’t want to jinx myself..  If anyone is out there reading, a change is going to come


What are you thankful for?

14 Oct

As I sit here on the couch, full after a great Thanksgiving dinner (I am Canadian lol) attempting to watch football (I don’t care for sports), I sit and ask myself what am I thankful for?

I know lately I’ve been a bit down. I’ve been thinking a lot that this cannot be life. But really life isn’t that bad. Life could be way worse. And I sit here thinking knowing I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a great support system of family and friends.  I have my health. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I have a career. I have life.

Sometimes we get so caught up looking at things we don’t have. And we forget everything that we have. We have so much and don’t even realize it. I say we but really I mean me. I do. I’m guilty of those things. I write this as a reminder to myself that although things may not be how I would like them to be… It’s okay. This too shall pass. The best is yet to come

Ps I had a wicked ass thanksgiving dinner with the fam. We had deep fried turkey


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Another one bites the dust..

10 Oct

I remember sometime last year Lola asked me how I felt about my 2 besties being engaged and soon to be married.

I remember feeling happy, excited and a bit sad.  Happy and excited because I know this would be an amazing next step in their lives; but sad because I felt like they were kind of moving on without me.  Not saying that I was envious and I wanted to get married; because realistically I’m not ready for that.  But I meant moving on because I knew they would be so occupied with their lives and this new title/responsibility they would have.

Aly had just got recently engaged and found out she was pregnant.  That was huge.  You go from girlfriend to fiancée and mommy-to-be in like 30 secs.  I knew a lot of change was about to happen.

Shaunie had been engaged for a lil over 2 years and was beyond ready to break the glass and jump the broom.  She was ready for the next chapter of her life.

Fast forward to today and both Aly and Shaunie are happily married.

Aly decided on eloping. She found a nice little place, went away for the weekend and got’er done.  She plans on having her big family wedding later next year and she asked me to be her maid of honour.  Look at that, another title and responsibility lol.

Shaunie got married on September 21st. Weeks before I started prepping.  I had to get my dress taken in because of my small firm. Then I had to get it steamed.  Then there was the whole shoe factor, which turned out well because all of the bridesmaids were able to get the same shoes. Stylish.

The week of the wedding I checked the weather every day; I even had co-workers given me the updates.  Rain.  It was supposed all day the Saturday, like 80% chance.  Huge bummer considering the wedding ceremony would be outdoors.  I kept hoping that maybe Mother Nature would change her mind and decide not to be miserable.

The Saturday morning we were up at 6.  Hair and makeup had to be done.  I didn’t want to look out the window, fearing that I would see rain.  But instead I heard it.  We got ready, all glammed up and we looked gorgeous, especially the beautiful bride.20130921_143253

When we got to the Lakehouse umbrellas were out in full force. Damn you Mother Nature. The bridesmaids decided that we were going to brave it out and not wear our pashminas at the altar.  HUGE MISTAKE!  I almost froze.  Since we were right by the lake we were also experiencing some not to nice cold breezes. The whole time I was thinking warm thoughts to get me through.  Besides the weather the ceremony was great.  It was so nice to see my friends commit themselves to each other and start the next chapter of their lives.  When it came to picture time we got some great rain shots taken, so I guess the weather wasn’t so bad after all.

On our way to the reception, guess what happened? Mr Sun decided to show his face and you could see him starting to peek out through the clouds.  If only her could show his face sooner.

The rest of the day was great.  The food was amazing, music was great and people were dancing. Oh and the speeches.  The speeches were heartfelt and comical.

I feel like I’m missing some more details but my memory clearly isn’t the best right now.  If anything , I’ll add the rest later.

Oh there was a food truck at midnight which served ribs and poutine.  Frigging amazing. lolScreenshot_2013-10-09-18-45-26-1_1

Disappearing Act..

9 Oct

I know. It’s almost been a month since my last post.  I should be ashamed.  But all of a sudden life happened.

One of my closest friends got married and I had the pleasure of being  one of her lovely bridesmaids (more about that later).  Meanwhile I’ve started to help my other friend plan her wedding (she’s already married but will be do a big ceremony/reception for her family)

Work got crazy busy which included me working 10 hour days and even coming in during a weekend.

I ran a 5k for breast cancer; beat my time from last year by 3 mins.

I also have been applying for jobs non-stop. I’m so close to going to a recruiter (again more on that later)

Scandal started last week so that occupies my Thursday nights.

School is in full swing. I had a test on Monday so I’ve been studying whenever I could get a chance.

So with the 5k out of the way, one wedding down and work slowly slowing down, I should have some time again.

Stay tuned…

Lessons from an almost 3 yr old..

13 Sep

I recently got to spend some time with my niece Dani.  My mom says Dani reminds her of me; talkative and full of energy. During my visit, Dani proved my observation to be true. I felt like she was always running around and had some type of story to tell me.  She goes to daycare so she picks up a lot of things from the other kids..some good, some bad.

Anyways during my time with my niece she taught me some things.

1) It’s okay to take your time.
During my visit we went for a walk.  I’m a fast walker, everyone tells me this. I blame it on my long legs.  While walking with Dani I noticed she was having a hard time keeping up with me.  I slowed down my pace so she would be okay.  Even though we were taking our time, we still got to the place we needed to. Sometimes we just need to take out time and have patience.

2) Sometimes you just have to give it a go.
Well of course when I got used to walking slow, Dani wanted to run fast. And run fast she did.  I don’t know where she got the burst of energy from but it’s what I needed.  Sometimes if you move too slow, you miss out on some good action.

3) It’s okay to fall from time to time.
One time during the visit, Dani was telling me about a time when she fell at daycare. “Auntie, I have a boo-boo on my knee” she told me.  She then proceeded to tell me she was running, then fell and scratched her knee.  Smiling, she rolled up her pants to show me the scab. The fall didn’t bother her as much because now she had a story to tell and this scab to show for it.  We all go through things in life and sometimes we fall and are left with scars.  But each fall or scab is a lesson learned or a cool story.