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My First Jump

8 Sep

I think I started my job search around November/December of 2013. I had so many phone interviews and face-to-face ones. I lost count of how many jobs I applied to. I think because I was so miserable at my job at the time, almost everywhere else seemed great. The company I was at was becoming toxic. No one liked working there. Everyone was short tempered, didn’t have patience. I remember some Sunday nights I would cry because I didn’t want to go to work the next day. Monday mornings I had to give myself a pep talk.

By June 2014 I still hadn’t found a new job but knew something was around the corner. I came across this one company. They were hiring for two positions.  One was a revenue accountant which I could easily do. It dealt with setting up leases, manual billings, bank reconciliations, AR. Easy. The other position was of the a property accountant. Cash flows, financial statements, budgeting. It was exactly what I was looking for. For sure I would get my work experience for my designation through this job. I applied for both because I noticed I didn’t necessarily have all the experience required for the property accountant role. But I knew if I got in, I would prove myself and the property accountant role would be mine. I also researched the company on LinkedIn and saw that people who started as a revenue accountant were usually promoted within a year to a property accountant. I was very hopefully.

After the two interviews where I stressed I needed a job that would give me the experience I needed to complete my accounting designation, I received an offer for the revenue accountant position the first week of July. I was so excited, I didn’t even negotiate (which I shouldve) . I was told that after my probation, I would have a review where I had a good chance of getting an increase. I took the offer and ran. Not to mention all the little perks I was getting. Cake day every month to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries (who doesn’t love cake) . A subsidized gym membership. Unlimited sick days (within reason), three weeks vacation, work from home access if needed, tuition reimbursement,  an employee assistance programs so I could be units of the company. I was happy. I walked into work the next day and happily handed in my resignation. I was off to better things.

The last two weeks of my job went by quick and we’re emotionally draining. They offered two positions to make me stay. One was for a maternity leave and the other for a position where there wasn’t much growth. I declined both because you never take a counter offer. You were looking for a reason. And if they really valued me they wouldn’t take so long to show it. Plus I heard my manager was going around telling people I shouldve left a year ago when I applied for a position in the company and they didn’t give it to me. Anyways that was that. During my last week there a coworker died. My last day with the company I attended the funeral for my coworker. It hit us all really hard. And made leaving even harder. I felt like I was walking away from my family. Some of them were like family. But I still talk to them on a regular basis.  The following Tuesday I started my new job.

*This post was written with the WordPress app on my phone. Please excuse any typos that may be present*

Where has time gone

5 Sep

Hi Guys!

I know it’s been over a year since I last did a post. I’m not even sure who still reads this or remember if there was anyone who did. But either way here I am again. Before I get into the post I want to say my computer is broken so most of my post I’ll be writing from my phone. So here’s a little disclaimer because chances are there will be lots of typos, errors and grammar mistakes.

I shouldve checked back but i think my last post may have been about the surprise birthday party Mr Man and Lola did for me. A lot has happened since then. I actually left my job that was making me miserable in July of 2014. Mr Man parted ways with his company and was unemployed for a bit. We officially live together now. I finally turned 30 in May and love myself a bit more. Had a bit of a health scare. The job I started last year I left this year July… More on that later. Had some great times with family and friends. And I had surgery a couple of days ago. So here I am laying in bed. I figured now is a great time to write. I can’t really do anything else.

Since I’ll be using my phone more my post will be random. Sometimes short. Sometimes long and hopefully more frequent although I can’t make any promises.

Hope everyone is enjoying the last week for summer.

Tee xo

On the go

27 May

I am not a breakfast person. I’m not saying that I don’t lie breakfast because really I do. It’s just that during the week, I rather sleep a bit longer instead of getting up and preparing something. I know there are ways around this. Like I can prep smoothies the night before. Or just have some toast. But really the smoothies and the toast get old quick.

About a week ago, I was in the grocery store and I noticed a lady was offering samples of some drink. I walked by on my way to grab some brownies when she asked if I would like to try. I was hesitant but then I thought “What would Mr. Man do”. If my boyfriend was with me he’d be all over the free sample. I asked what it was and she said Kellogg’s Special K Morning Protein Shake  . I know, long title. She offered me vanilla or chocolate, I went with vanilla and it wasn’t that bad. The lady went on to tell me that the shakes were on sale (for $6.49) AND she offered me a $2.00 off coupon. So me being the sucker I am, bought a pack.

During the week I packed the shake in my lunch and told myself I’d have one at work after my morning tea.  I enjoyed the shakes, they kind of reminded me of a vanilla milkshake just a bit healthier. I can honestly say I would buy these again if I can find them at a great price.

20140522_164848 If anyone is looking for something quick in the morning give these shakes a try.

Summa, Summa, Summatime

24 May

Summer is on its way and I can almost feel. I love summer. I love the warmth, the bbqs, the patio drinking with friends. I just love it.  After a brutal winter I bet there are tons of people who feel the same way. I was looking at my calendar and realized that even though summer hasn’t officially started I already have quite a few things booked.

A couple weeks ago I bought a tent and last week I decided to do a test run and put it up.  The damn thing took up my whole living room (my living room isn’t big to begin with but still). I bought Coleman 6 Person Instant Dome Tent, it was on sale at Target for $112. I bought a six person tent because I figured once the air mattress and bags are in we’d still have ro20140518_202844om to walk around and change. I’m also hoping it will last us while. We already have three camping trips scheduled for the summer. Oh and I also found s’mores kits.

Last weekend Me, Lola, and Shaunie decided to go look at costumes for Caribana. Caribana is a yearly festival that happens here in Toronto during the August long weekend. This year it will take place August 2nd.  It is one of the biggest Caribbean festival. It’s a large party that takes place on the lakeshore with tons of colourful costumes and great vibes, plus it brings millions of dollars into the city. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to play again this year but then more I heard people talking about it, the more I realized I’d regret it if I didn’t. Anyways we decided to play with Saldenah again like we did last year. We agreed on a costume and it is beautiful.

So far the summer is looking great and I will try my best to document it.

29 and feeling fine

17 May

Hi!  I know it’s been about two months since I posted. I entered a funk and didn’t really feel like posting negative things online. I figured taking a little break would be good.

Over the past little bit I had a couple more interviews (phone and in person) but still nothing yet. I’ve registered with another agency and I’m hoping it brings more luck.

A couple weeks ago I decided that I need to let go of all the negative stuff and be more positive. My life isn’t that bad. Actually it’s not bad at all. So I decided to stop sulking and move one. I stared reading a couple books and they’ve seem to be helping. I’ll try to do a review on those later. But besides that everything else is good.

On Tuesday (May 13th) I turned 29. Oh boy, the last year before the big 3-0. My week was filled with surprises. I was finding my presents in my work bag, around my apartment. And then on Friday, my boyfriend and Lola threw me a surprise birthday party. To say I was shocked is an understatement. My reaction was so slow. I had no idea what was going on. I had a great time with my family and friends. Last night showed me how truly blessed I am. I have amazing people in my life, my health, a home, a job. There are no reasons for me to ever not be happy. I get that from time to time we get into moods. But going forward I refuse to take it the level I’ve been I the last few weeks. I have so much to going for me. Yeah I don’t like my job but something is coming and it will be here soon.

I’m going to try my best to come up with a schedule for this blog/journal. And hopefully it works this time.  I am back in school now so hopefully I’ll able to manage it all.

Oh and to help with my positivity I will start writing in a gratitude journal. I figured this would be a a way to remind myself things are actually pretty good.

Onto the next one…

13 Mar

I finally heard back from that job. I didn’t get it.  They said they liked me, I was a great fit but they went with someone with more experience.  I kinda get it because it is tax season and they’re going to need someone who would jump in and run with it…I would’ve been more of a speed walk. Either way it still hurts a little.  I just want a chance and it doesn’t seem like I’m getting it. Or maybe it’s not my turn to get a chance.

The job market isn’t looking the greatest right now.  Looks like I may be stuck where I am for now. The positive side of it is at least I have a job. Not everyone can be that lucky.

I think my next step is looking for a part time job. Doesn’t necessarily have to be in accounting but something to increase my cashflow. There has to be something out there right…..

Oh and I’m back to taking classes next semester. Fun times.  Also this summer I’m going to enroll into the CGA program. The transfer credit application is $418 and then the registration fees are $755. This doesn’t include the cost of courses or books. See why I need a part time job now.

So if anyone knows of part-time job available in the Toronto area, let me know


10 Mar

A lot has been going on over the last month and I’ll give you a quick rundown….

Towards the end of January I was having some pain in my tailbone and then I fell on it. After numerous doctor visits I found out I had a pilonidal cyst and when I fell I fractured my tailbone.  The cyst turned into an abscess that I had to get drained.  I ended up missing a week off work and now I’m being referred to a specialist to see if I have to have surgery to get the sinus that caused the cyst removed. Oh and during my wonderful week off, I received a call for an interview for my dream job. The interview was okay, the test was hard. I feel like the recruiter I spoke to completely downplayed the test. I felt as if I was doing my tax exam all over again. To say I wasn’t prepared may be an understatement. I’m still waiting to hear back.

Two weeks ago I went to a CGA event and received some information about the merger to CPA. I’m feeling a more confident about my future. Now just to full enroll into the program and find a job.  Speaking of, at the CGA event the discussed using a recruiting agency to help you find a job.  So I took the advice and signed up. I’ve already met with them and I’m feeling good about my decision. Something tells me something great will be happening soon

40 Day, 40 Nights…

6 Mar

Now I’m not all that religious. I did grow up in church but stopped going when a scandal broke out. However I have recently started going to church again, so we’ll see what happens.  This year I decided to jump on the bandwagon (probably the not the right phase to use) and participate in Lent.  I couldn’t decide on what to give up. There aren’t any foods I eat all the time. If I were to give up chocolate or candy it wouldn’t be a big deal to me.  One of my friends suggested I give up sex, I thought about it then laughed.  Finally I decided to give up swearing and being negative. I failed.  The first day in I must have said shit like seven times. So negativity it is.  No matter what the situation is I will try to find the positive in it. I figured if I can do this it will help me come out of the funk of been in as well as help make me a better person. Oh I’m also going to try to read the Bible every day. I’ve enrolled in some reading plans with the Bible app I have on my phone.

Here’s to some happy thoughts

A December to remember…part three

13 Jan

Thursday morning came around in no time. I woke up early and had some breakfast. I told myself not worry, everything would be fine. My good friend Nad told me no pressure, it’s not like I don’t have a job. If anything they need to prove to me why I should leave my current company.

I easily found the company. I decided to walk passed it to scope it out a bit and to change my shoes. I had winter boots on and need to put on a pair of pumps for the interview. After changing I walked into the lobby and checked in with the receptionist who was very nice. I waited for about five minutes and the whole time I could feel the receptionist checking me out. I figured she was probably making notes for the hiring manager. Shortly after the HR rep came down to get me and walked to where the interview would be held.

The hiring manager was really nice. He thanked me for coming in to meet him and said the interview would be very causal (thank goodness).He went over the job description and told me what I would be doing if I was chosen for the role. His questions were the usual tell me about yourself, strengths, weakness, why do you want to work here, why do you want to leave your company. The interview felt more like a conversation and I liked that.  I was asked about my goals professional and personally and how I plan on accomplishing them. I told them about the steps I’ve been doing to obtain my CGA designation. For my personal goal I mentioned that I did the 2013 Sporting Life 10K in 64mins and planned on doing the 2014 run in less time. The manager informed me that he runs as well and plans on doing the same run. Sweet, I found a connection.  Then he stumped me. He asked me some accounting questions; I don’t know why I wasn’t anticipating these. I ended up getting through them and he told me my answers were exactly what he was looking for…thank goodness. Then it was my turn to ask questions. I asked how they planned on moving forward considering how technology was moving (they’re a newspaper company, a lot of things are now digital), asked about the culture, why I should work there, what they like about the company, do they participate in team bonding.  One question I forgot to ask was how often they do performance reviews. But besides from that I was happy with the results.  I was able to shine in the interview and show my true self. I left feeling good. The hiring manager told me he’d let me know in January what his decision would be.

I’m a big google-r. When I apply to jobs I google the company and check them out on Linkedin. I search to see who I would be reporting to and who I would work with. When I was researching this company I saw a name that looked familiar but I wasn’t sure why. When I went into work the next day I found out why the name looked familiar; it belonged to a financial analyst we hired in November. It turns he used to work for the company I just had the interview for. Could my world really be this small?! I went looking for him to ask him some questions but because of the holidays he wasn’t in. I guess I’m going to have to wait to get the scoop…

A December to remember…part two

9 Jan

Do you ever have a dream, wake up and think ‘what the hell does that mean?!’ Well that’s what happened to me. I had a dream I went out dancing with my dad and sister.  We were having a good time until I looked down at my feet and noticed I didn’t have any shoes on.  I thought it was weird because who dances without shoes and in my dream I had the memory of wearing shoes. As I looked ahead of me I saw three brand new pairs of shoes waiting for me. I walked up and chose a pair…then woke up.

As soon as the sleep is out of my eyes I head over to Dream Moods (there’s an app) to see what the dream meant. I look up dancing and it states ‘To dream that you are dancing signifies freedom from any constraints and restrictions. Your life is in balance and in harmony. Dancing also represents frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and sexual desires. You need to incorporate these qualities in your waking life….To dream that you are attending or going to a dance indicates a celebration and your attempts to achieve happiness. Consider the phrase the “dance of life” which suggests creation, ecstasy, and going with what life has to offer you.’ Okay, not bad. Next I look up the number three.  It tells me the number ‘three signifies life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self-exploration and experience. Three stands for a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc. Dream of the number three may be telling you that the third time is the charm.’ Okay, so far so good. Next I look shoes.  ‘In general, shoes represent your approach to life. Wearing shoes in your dream suggests that you are well-grounded or down to earth. It also represents your convictions about your beliefs. If you are changing your shoes, then it refers to your changing roles. You are taking a new approach to life. If you forget your shoes, then it suggests that you are leaving behind your inhibitions. You are refusing to conform to some idea or attitude. To see old and worn shoes in your dream indicates that you will find success through hard work and diligence. You have come to terms about who you are….To dream that you are not wearing any shoes indicates that you have low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in yourself. You are dealing with issues about your self-identity.  Alternatively, to dream that you are not wearing shoes represent your playful attitudes and relaxed, carefree frame of mind. You have a firm grasp and good understanding on a situation. If you dream that you lose your shoes, then it suggests that you are searching for your identity and finding yourself.’

So what did I take from this…Um, I’m soul searching, sometimes I’m too hard on myself and a change and good things are coming :). Anyways time to get ready for work.

At work that day we had a pizza lunch with cake to celebrate the work anniversaries. My manager gave a little speech and thanked us for all of hard work and said how much she appreciates us. She also told us that changes are coming…joy.  My mentor (who happens to be my manger’s boss) gave a speech as well thanking us for our hard work but also told us to get out while we still can lol. Just as everyone was finishing up their cake, my phone rang. It was a private number. I don’t usually answer private numbers but something told me to. I dismissed myself from the party and found a quiet corner in the lunch room to take the call. I answered it and was ecstatic to find out that it was a HR rep from a company I had applied to. I had a phone interview right there on the spot. Although I was prepared for it, I felt like my personality came through a lot more. She told me I’d hear back from her in the next couple of days. I went back to my desk smiling and feeling confident. That was two phone interviews in two days. I was on a roll and then I humbled myself. No need to get overly excited because I still had a ways to go.

I spent the next few days studying for my exam. It was hard to focus because all I could think about was the second phone interview I had. Monday morning I was doing some last minute review for my exam when my phone rang, another private number. I started shaking, nerves. I just knew it was the HR rep calling back from my second phone interview. I let the call go to voice mail. She left me a message saying the hiring manger wanted to meet with me.  Good thing this was a message I was listening to because I let out a little scream.  As soon as I calmed my nerves, I called her back and set up a time to go in for an interview the upcoming Thursday. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. Once I was finished smiling my face off, I got ready and left to write my exam.

Once the exam was out of the way I spent the rest of the week preparing for the interview. What was I going to wear? What are they going to ask me? How am I going to answer? Thank goodness for Lola, she saved me and let me borrow a nice navy blue button down shirt to wear under my blazer.  Mr. Man would randomly ask me interview questions to help me prepare.  Shaunie and Aly were very supportive and told me not worry, I would knock them dead.  And there were was my family who told me the job was already mine and I just had to claim it.

Maybe my dream was right, maybe I’d be changing roles….