On the go

27 May

I am not a breakfast person. I’m not saying that I don’t lie breakfast because really I do. It’s just that during the week, I rather sleep a bit longer instead of getting up and preparing something. I know there are ways around this. Like I can prep smoothies the night before. Or just have some toast. But really the smoothies and the toast get old quick.

About a week ago, I was in the grocery store and I noticed a lady was offering samples of some drink. I walked by on my way to grab some brownies when she asked if I would like to try. I was hesitant but then I thought “What would Mr. Man do”. If my boyfriend was with me he’d be all over the free sample. I asked what it was and she said Kellogg’s Special K Morning Protein Shake  . I know, long title. She offered me vanilla or chocolate, I went with vanilla and it wasn’t that bad. The lady went on to tell me that the shakes were on sale (for $6.49) AND she offered me a $2.00 off coupon. So me being the sucker I am, bought a pack.

During the week I packed the shake in my lunch and told myself I’d have one at work after my morning tea.  I enjoyed the shakes, they kind of reminded me of a vanilla milkshake just a bit healthier. I can honestly say I would buy these again if I can find them at a great price.

20140522_164848 If anyone is looking for something quick in the morning give these shakes a try.

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