Onto the next one…

13 Mar

I finally heard back from that job. I didn’t get it.  They said they liked me, I was a great fit but they went with someone with more experience.  I kinda get it because it is tax season and they’re going to need someone who would jump in and run with it…I would’ve been more of a speed walk. Either way it still hurts a little.  I just want a chance and it doesn’t seem like I’m getting it. Or maybe it’s not my turn to get a chance.

The job market isn’t looking the greatest right now.  Looks like I may be stuck where I am for now. The positive side of it is at least I have a job. Not everyone can be that lucky.

I think my next step is looking for a part time job. Doesn’t necessarily have to be in accounting but something to increase my cashflow. There has to be something out there right…..

Oh and I’m back to taking classes next semester. Fun times.  Also this summer I’m going to enroll into the CGA program. The transfer credit application is $418 and then the registration fees are $755. This doesn’t include the cost of courses or books. See why I need a part time job now.

So if anyone knows of part-time job available in the Toronto area, let me know

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