What are you thankful for?

14 Oct

As I sit here on the couch, full after a great Thanksgiving dinner (I am Canadian lol) attempting to watch football (I don’t care for sports), I sit and ask myself what am I thankful for?

I know lately I’ve been a bit down. I’ve been thinking a lot that this cannot be life. But really life isn’t that bad. Life could be way worse. And I sit here thinking knowing I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a great support system of family and friends.  I have my health. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I have a career. I have life.

Sometimes we get so caught up looking at things we don’t have. And we forget everything that we have. We have so much and don’t even realize it. I say we but really I mean me. I do. I’m guilty of those things. I write this as a reminder to myself that although things may not be how I would like them to be… It’s okay. This too shall pass. The best is yet to come

Ps I had a wicked ass thanksgiving dinner with the fam. We had deep fried turkey


I invited Lola and her boyfriend. Well the fam invited Lola and I told her she could invite the boyfriend. There was laughter, love, food and of course alcohol. I’m thankful for an amazing weekend with my friends and family. And glad I took tomorrow off

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