Disappearing Act..

9 Oct

I know. It’s almost been a month since my last post.  I should be ashamed.  But all of a sudden life happened.

One of my closest friends got married and I had the pleasure of being  one of her lovely bridesmaids (more about that later).  Meanwhile I’ve started to help my other friend plan her wedding (she’s already married but will be do a big ceremony/reception for her family)

Work got crazy busy which included me working 10 hour days and even coming in during a weekend.

I ran a 5k for breast cancer; beat my time from last year by 3 mins.

I also have been applying for jobs non-stop. I’m so close to going to a recruiter (again more on that later)

Scandal started last week so that occupies my Thursday nights.

School is in full swing. I had a test on Monday so I’ve been studying whenever I could get a chance.

So with the 5k out of the way, one wedding down and work slowly slowing down, I should have some time again.

Stay tuned…

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